A Healthy Family Culture

There are hundreds of different cultures around the world all with different views and beliefs in many aspects of life. What one culture might see as very wrong another might see it as a normal part of life. All cultures have things about them that are great, but they also have aspects that are probably more harmful than beneficial. Culture is defined in the dictionary as "the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group", other words that describe culture are lifestyle, traditions, habits, and values. 

Today I wanted to look at the family culture, how families habits, lifestyle, values, and traditions affect the life of the family as a whole and as individuals whether that be damaging or beneficial. First look into your own family and see if there is a culture in your own family, and how does that affect you and how could that affect you future family? In my own family we have a culture of not being great communicators. As a family we try to handle everything individually instead of seeking help and communicating to each other. This is also hurtful when we have arguments because we don't know how to best talk and resolve the problem. I recognized this culture in my family and how it hurts us, but also how hurtful this could be to my own future family if I let that culture of communication carry over. Now that I recognized it I can work on my own communication and prevent this problem in my future family.

What cultures from your own family do you want to carry on or leave behind for your future family? I'm so excited for my future family and to be learning how I can better prepare and create a culture of love, communication, and support! But the most important culture and the one that creates a successful and happy family is a family centered on the culture of Christ! Jesus Christ is the foundation, the foundation that if we build upon we can not fall.  Elder William K. Jackson gave a talk in 2020 called "The Culture of Christ ''.  In his address he said  "In the culture of Christ, there is perspective—and eternal focus and direction. This culture is concerned with things of lasting worth! It comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is eternal and explains the why, what, and where of our existence. (It is inclusive, not exclusive.) Because this culture results from the application of our Savior’s teachings, it helps provide a healing balm of which our world is in such desperate need". As a family focuses on the teaching of Christ and as parents teach their children what matters most, the family will grow in their love for each other and most important their love of God. 

What in your own family culture do you feel is not helpful or beneficial to your love and support of each other and your love of God? What do you feel like you need to improve on for your future family or current family? The family is ordained of god and is of eternal worth, it is the thing that matters most! Pray and ask your Heavenly Father in prayer what in your own life you need to change or work on. Pray to know what in your own family culture needs to change or be emphasized. The Holy Spirit will be your guide as you prayerfully seek the guidance and help of the lord. 

I bear my testimony that the family is of eternal worth and is sacred! I love my family and there is nothing I look forward to more than my future family! I hope that you all will gain your own witness from the Holy Spirit of the importance of the family and of God's Plan of Salvation!


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