They Twain Shall Be One Flesh

The world today sees the role of male and female as unimportant or of little value, they would say that man and women do not complete each other or that a mom AND a dad aren't needed in a Child's life. The world seems to say that they don't have much to offer to each other and that one can do it all alone. That seems to be the message the youth or young adults are receiving. The world even seems to be teaching girls that boys are unkind unable to love and animals, and teaching boys that girls are evil and have no real virtue and will always hurt you. The world seems to be trying to pull man and women apart and keep them separate and alone. I would say that the adversary is doing a great job of leading God's children to destruction. 

It is so sad that so many are believing these lies about the roles of male and females and forgetting their Divine nature and destiny, they are denying themselves some of the greatest joys that God offers. 

The truth however is said by Elder David A. Bednar who said "The natures of male and female spirits complete and perfect each other, and therefore men and women are intended to progress together toward exaltation." men and women both have different strengths and weaknesses that complement and balance each other out especially in the raising of children. They both offer different views on problems and how to solve them. I needed support in my childhood and even today I know that if I go to my dad he will try to fix the problem, but if I go to my mom she will console and comfort me. Both are needed in their respective circumstances, and I am so grateful for the differences in my parents. Men and women also teach and help each other grow! I have seen how wives have helped their husbands to grow in ways he would not have otherwise and the same for husbands to their wives. I am so grateful for the women in my life and all they have taught me. They have helped me to grow and learn! 

When men and women come together in their love for God and for each other, I would argue that there is nothing more beautiful in the world or in the world to come. It breaks my heart to think of a world where men and women do not respect and honor each other, a world devoid of that love. 

In Mark chapter 10 verses 8 & 9 it says "And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no longer twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." God's plan is for a man and a woman, a husband and a wife to be one forever. God has asked that we defend the sacredness and divinity of man and women and how they only together can become like our Heavenly Parents.

I bear my own testimony of the divinity of male and female and their eternal nature. We were male or female before this life and we will be that same gender here and hereafter! Marriage is ordained of God and it is joyous in the Lord. I know with all my heart that families can be together forever through Heavenly Fathers plan. There is nothing I want more than to be sealed to my future wife for all time and eternity and to continue in my love for her forever. I'm so grateful for living prophets that teach the truth and guide us back to our heavenly home.

In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


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